Looking to remodel your kitchen, but don't have a clue about what it will cost? Though it may be one of the more expensive rooms to renovate, the kitchen should be your top priority when pursuing renovations that add value to your home. In our experience, a small kitchen renovation can cost anything from R45 000 to R85 000. The approximate cost range for medium-sized space is R85 000 to R150 000, while a large kitchen renovation will likely exceed R150 000. Below are some of the major contributing factors to kitchen cost. We’ve found that the following budget allocations work well for most projects:
Cabinets 30%
Countertops 15%
Plumbing & electrical 10%
Floors & ceilings 10%
Labour 15%
Appliances 10%
Unexpected expenses 10%

Kitchen size
One of the biggest reasons we can’t give an estimate without a consultation is the kitchen size. According to the Kitchen Specialists Association of South Africa, the average kitchen in a South African home is approximately 21m². Unsurprisingly, there are spaces that are much larger and smaller than this, and the size of your space will affect the price of your kitchen renovation significantly. The more m² to cover, the higher the cost.
Cabinetry finishes and fittings
These cost brackets might seem quite wide. The reason behind this is the difference in price of the various finishes you can choose when designing your new kitchen. From Melamine (on the lower end of the spectrum) to Duco or high-gloss laminates (higher end). It’s not only the visible fittings such as the type of mixers and sinks you choose that can push up the cost, the internal fittings can also add to the cost. Soft-close hinges and drawer runners, interior lighting and storage solutions, and other hidden features will also affect the quoted price. The more fittings and “nice-to-haves” attract its own price bracket.
Countertops range from entry level Formica tops all the way to Quartz and Porcelain. This is the most commonly used countertop material in South Africa is Granite. However, the price tag differs depending on its appearance and availability; some can cost more than your average Quartz. These days there are numerous Quartz brands and colours to choose from, some at the lower end of the spectrum that can give your new kitchen a modern look.
The construction part, plumbing, electrical, knocking down & building of walls, is the second biggest expense when renovating your kitchen. Major layout changes like moving electrical or plumbing points will have a significant effect on the cost. And don’t forget about unexpected costs, which crop up on every building project. Alternatively, be creative with your layout so you don’t spend a small fortune on moving pipes and wires. Or simply look at installing a new sink - there are some absolutely stunning designs available.
Backsplash Tiles
Just about every modern kitchen you see these days sports a fancy tile backsplash. White subway tile has seen a huge surge in popularity in the past three to five years, but varied colours and patterns are starting to emerge as well. However, expensive backsplash tiles can have a negative effect on the budget. Rather splurge on the countertop finish and opt for less expensive tiles on the backsplash, which can save you up to 35%.
New appliances can really add up to your kitchen remodel cost, consisting of as much as 10% of your budget. The brand name of the appliances you choose such as ovens and hobs contribute quite a bit to the final cost as well. To save on the budget, opt for reusing some of your appliance such as the dishwasher, washing machine and tumble dryer.
By far, the best way to renovate your kitchen without spending too much money is to set a realistic budget before you start looking at sample materials. Let us know in the comments what you would add to this list… maybe we missed something that’s important to you.